What Is The Best Age to Release a Tongue-tie?

April 21, 2024

As a parent, you want the best for your child, and that includes their oral health. One common concern that many parents face is a tongue-tie, a condition that can affect feeding, speech, and more. Today, we'll delve into this topic, discussing the signs of a tongue-tie and the ideal age for intervention.

Signs Your Infant May Have a Tongue Tie

Tongue-tie, or ankyloglossia, is a condition present at birth that restricts the tongue's range of motion. This can lead to feeding difficulties, speech problems, and oral health issues. In infants, signs of tongue-tie may include difficulty latching during breastfeeding, inadequate weight gain, and frustration during feedings. Some babies may also make a clicking sound while nursing, or have a heart-shaped tongue. If you notice any of these signs, it's essential to consult a pediatric dentist like Dr. Noam Greenbaum at Pediatric Dental Club.

Ideal Age For Tongue Tie Release

While tongue-tie can be addressed at any age, early intervention is often beneficial. The ideal age for tongue tie release, or frenectomy, is typically between 2-6 weeks of age. This is because the procedure is simpler and recovery is quicker for younger infants. Additionally, early intervention can help prevent problems with breastfeeding and future speech issues.

Why Is 2-6 Weeks Ideal?

The 2-6 week window is a sweet spot for tongue-tie release for several reasons. Firstly, the procedure is less invasive at this age, often requiring only a local anesthetic. Secondly, infants recover quickly and are less likely to remember the procedure. Lastly, releasing the tongue-tie early can aid in breastfeeding, allowing the baby to latch properly and feed more efficiently. This can promote healthy weight gain and reduce the risk of other health complications.

The Benefits of Early Tongue Tie Release

Early tongue tie release can have numerous benefits. It can improve breastfeeding success, promote better weight gain, and reduce the risk of speech and dental issues later in life. Plus, early intervention can help ensure your child's overall oral health and well-being. It's always best to consult with a pediatric dentist like Dr. Noam Greenbaum to discuss your child's specific needs and circumstances.

What If My Child Is Older?

If your child is older and has a tongue-tie, it's never too late to seek treatment. Older children and adults can still benefit from tongue-tie release, especially if the condition is causing speech or eating difficulties. The procedure may be slightly more complex in older patients, but the benefits can be significant. Always consult with a pediatric dentist to discuss the best course of action for your child.

Schedule an Appointment at Pediatric Dental Club Today!

If you suspect your child may have a tongue-tie, don't hesitate to reach out to Pediatric Dental Club. Dr. Noam Greenbaum and our team are here to provide expert advice and treatment options, ensuring your child's oral health is in the best hands. Call us today at (818) 528-8755 to schedule an appointment. We're conveniently located in Encino, CA, and we're here to help your child smile brighter!

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