The Importance of Space Maintainers

When a child loses a baby tooth prematurely, it can lead to dental problems if not addressed promptly. Space maintainers play a crucial role in preserving the gap left by the lost tooth, ensuring proper alignment for permanent teeth. These simple yet effective devices help prevent crowding, misalignment, and the need for extensive orthodontic treatment in the future.

The Space Maintainers

Treatment Process

Step 1

Evaluation and Planning

During your child's initial visit, Dr. Noam Greenbaum will thoroughly examine their mouth and assess the need for a space maintainer. He'll then determine the most suitable type of space maintainer for your child's specific situation.

Step 2

Custom Fabrication

Based on the evaluation, a custom space maintainer will be created for your child. This process is usually done same day, as Dr. Noam fabricates them himself in-office. The device is tailored to fit comfortably in your child's mouth while effectively maintaining the space for the future permanent tooth.

Step 3

Placement and Adjustment

Once the space maintainer is ready, Dr. Greenbaum will carefully place it in your child's mouth. He'll ensure a proper fit and make any necessary adjustments for comfort. Our team will provide instructions on care and maintenance, and schedule follow-up appointments to monitor the device's effectiveness and your child's dental development.

We can't wait to see your smile!


Space Maintainers Benefits

Space Maintainers Benefits

Prevents Tooth Misalignment

Space maintainers keep adjacent teeth from drifting into the gap, ensuring proper alignment for the permanent tooth.

Reduces Orthodontic Needs

By preserving space, these devices can minimize or eliminate the need for extensive orthodontic treatment later.

Promotes Proper Chewing and Speech

Maintaining correct tooth positioning helps your child chew properly and develop clear speech patterns.

Boosts Confidence

A well-aligned smile can boost your child's self-esteem and confidence as they grow.

Cost-Effective Solution

Investing in a space maintainer now can save you from more expensive dental procedures in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Pediatric Dental Club Office
How is a space maintainer placed, and does it hurt?

Let's Get Your Child Scheduled!